Course FAQ

The following are the most common and frequently asked questions I receive from students. Instead of responding to each individual student I am referring you here to find your answer. If your question is still not addressed, please contact me from within the course you are enrolled in.



What is the difference between installing Linux using an OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) and installing Linux from Scratch (ISO)?

They are simply two different methods to accomplish the same task. I shared the OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) method, so you could install Linux in a virtual machine quickly. I also wanted to share the ISO (CD/DVD) installation method so that you can install Linux on physical hardware if you want because you cannot use a virtual disk image on hardware.

I get an error when I attempt to use VirtualBox. What should I do?

Follow this VirtualBox troubleshooting guide.

Where are the solutions to the exercises?

See the course download lecture for your course.

How can I download the course to my computer?

For Udemy courses, see their support page on this topic.

Will this course prepare me for Linux certification?

The courses I teach are not designed for any one specific certification. Be sure to review the requirements for your desired certification and study each topic that will be on the exam.

How to get my certificate of completion for this course?

When all lessons and been completed you’ll be issued a certificate of completion which you can find in your account.

How do I connect to my virtual machine via SSH?

For the Udemy “Learn Linux in 5 Days” class, view this lesson.